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Download King.Prostor 2019
Donwload King.Prostor 2019_v19.4.5_x64_all.exe.
King.Prostor is add-on for AutoCAD 2010-2020 (Civil 3D, Map 3D), BricsCAD 2017-2020 or ZWCAD 2018.
Watch short introduction video (Slovenian) video.
1. Run installation. After installation, start King.Prostor - King.Prostor shortcut.
2. From menu select 'Prostor' or type command 'PROSTOR'.
3. Select 'Create Account' and enter your email.
4. Open your email and activate account.
1. Start King.Prostor shortcut.
2. From menu select 'Prostor' or type command 'PROSTOR'.
3. Enter account email and your password.
4. Select 'Connect to King.Prostor'.
5. Select municipality ( e.g. start typing Ljubljana ) and street (start typing Slovenska cesta).
6. Click 'Load King.Prostor Map'.
7. Click on layers to load additional data, explore it :)
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